Friday, August 14, 2009

PSE Actions Installed!!

I finally found how to install actions!! For anyone who has Photoshop Elements 6.0 on a Mac OS ... the following will help make sure you get them installed in the right place. And it will help me be able to remember what to do as well. So here we go.

First you have to go find some actions. This blog has some fabulous free ones!

Download the action you want.

When you install actions in PSE6 you need a png file to go with the action to run it .. so open up the psd file that came with the action and resave it as a png file.

Close Elements

Then place the action and png file in
this folder:

Library\Application Support\Adobe\Photoshop Elements\6.0\Photo Creations\Photo Effects

Next rename the Mediadatabase.db3 to MediadatabaseOLD.db3 (it is located at Library\Application Support\Adobe\Photoshop Elements\6.0\Locale\ en-US) and restart Elements ... the Mediadatabase.db3 will rebuild but you may have to wait a while for it to do so.

You action will then appear under Show All ...

Props: These fabulous steps came from Geoff:

You have no idea how many times I have tried to get this to work. These steps worked like a charm!!

Why is all this so exciting for me?? Because I can now take a picture from this:

To this, in a matter of a mouse click

How awesome is that!!! Lovin' it!!!

Friday, August 7, 2009

A find!

So I stopped by Good Will in Plano today on my way home from the doctor (yes, my coughing is just out of control now). The reason I stopped, you ask? One of the fabulous instructors at CPR (Creative Photography Retreat) that I recently attended does just that! Looks for deals in Good Wills and the like to find low cost props for her sessions. Thanks for the great idea Sarah!! While on the hunt I found .... drum roll .... black sheets! Blacks sheets? Yes!! Black Sheets!!
This is so great because .... I can now set up an impromptu photo
session in my garage and use it as the background. Tadaaaaa. Instant studio. OK so it's a little hot in the garage and I still feel like poohey sauce (One of Madi
son's words) but maybe next weekend when I feel more up to it and you will see what comes out of it.

Why is this such a find cause I could have gone and found them elsewhere? $15 for a set of brands new, never been used, Queen sized sheets. Awesome! I am thinking I will cut the elastic out of the bottom sheet so that it will behave better and lay flat.

On a side note, if you have a chance to stop by the Good Will in Plano they have some great stuff! More jeans than you can shake a stick at, lots of stuff with great potential, and lots of NEW stuff. Looked like Target drops off their damaged, returned, and couldn't sell stuff. OK so they just have a lot of STUFF!! LOL

I'll leave you with some pictures that I took of the girls recently. My next challenge I am going to take on is some actions in Photoshop. I'll let you know how that goes!

Friday, July 31, 2009

New Look!

Made up a whole new look to my blog. I am hoping this will inspire me more to actually write to my blog. :) So much going on in my life. Between work, coaching cheer, cleaning lady duties and personal chef to my family ... all keeps me very busy. Then to fit in time to me!! Learning to be a better photographer, helping my sister with wedding plans (when I can), Facebooking it (I Love Facebook), and web surfing of course.

Tonight I have actually busted out my brand new sewing machine!! OK so it's not brand new. I got it about 2.5 years ago and this till be the first time I have actually used it! So I bought some junk material to play around with before I venture into tailoring a cheer skirt down to fit Piper. :p Would like for her to have it the first game. So I have a couple of weeks. But I am sure it will take me that long. Wish me Luck!!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Grilled Pizza

Something worth posting!! I found a recipe from for grilled pizza. If you need a new recipe this is a great site. I have gotten many good meals from there. There are reviews and recommendations on almost every recipe. Which is great to help you watch out for pit-falls.

Anyway ..... found this recipe ....
Followed it to the letter. It was AWESOME! A total keeper. I'm planing on grilling these babies up for the 4th of July. I like the idea of something different for the grill and our guests can get involved picking out their toppings. 

If you are gonna try it ... make sure you try it at ho
me first without the guests. The heat can be a little tricky on the grill. Just need to get a feel for it first. :) My 3yo at 2 large slices! of course Madison stuck with her hot dog ... but she is so missing out!

Next time fresh mozzarella mmmmmm

Tonight is fajitas and mojitos! I also have a great recipe for homemade, bar quality mojitos. Fantastic!

Can't wait for the 4th and more grilled pizza. 

Pic to tempt your taste buds

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Going Backwards

My last post was sketch 18 - this is for sketch 17!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Sketch Challenge

Here's my layout for the sketch challenge!

Friday, March 27, 2009

New Haircut, Lost Tooth!

Stop growing up, Madison! She recently lost her first tooth and last weekend wanted her hair cut short. It's a great look on her but makes her look so much older! Love you LITTLE girl!