Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happy New Year!

Hope everyone is starting out the year with a bang! OK - new year's resolutions ...
1. WW - loose and maintain. I'm getting close to my goal weight and I don't want to blow it!
2. Scrap 52 pages this year. That's one a week, I think I can do that. Gotta get back to making pages.
3. Exercise 3 days a week, even if it's just walking around the neighborhood.
4. Take more photos - Include myself!
5. Implement a working budget - yikes!
6. Play with the girls more.
7. Find a cleaning lady.
8. Recycle more.
9. Actually use my blog!
10. Enjoy life more and not stress so much!

OK, I think that is enough to keep me busy this year. 2007 was such a great year for my family I can't wait to see what 2008 brings!!

1 comment:

elizabeth said...

You go girl - you can do it! :)